A safe place to explore faith, build community, and serve the city

Who We Are
We believe in doing church differently. We believe that, although church has caused harm, it doesn’t have to. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you can join the circle, build healthy relationships, and serve in meaningful ways.
We are real people, not pretending or faking. And we hope you can be real, too. Come as you are, no matter what.
We believe that every single person is created in the image of God, and that God created you to show the rest of us another beautiful piece of God. Everyone is welcome to worship, to lead, to serve, to find full life in the community.
We value the uniqueness of each and every person. We believe the church should be a representation of the kingdom of God, not monolithic, rather multiethnic and multicultural. God desires for the church to be full of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation present in our community.
We profess following Jesus as Lord and Savior and witness to the historic Christian faith as stated in the Apostle’s creed. We also know that because of so much baggage from the Christian Church in America, many of us are uncomfortable claiming the title Christian. We get it. We are a safe place, wherever you are, and know that God’s love and grace is big enough for all of our “stuff”.
What We Do
Scripture tells us to “serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13). God calls us to make a practical, tangible difference in our community.
Worship is a launching pad into the community, to love our neighbors, to offer mercy and hospitality, to fight for justice and peace, and to usher in God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
We trust that God will lead each of us, individually and collectively, to use our gifts, passions, and talents to impact our neighborhood and our city.
Life-change and growth happens best in circles, not rows. We believe in deep, healthy relationships that can challenge and support, change and encourage us.
Through the life and teaching of Jesus, we realize that relationships are everything in the Kingdom of God. Relationship with God, relationships with others, relationship with ourselves, and relationship with creation.
Through small groups, community building, and spiritual direction, we invest in intentional relationships that invite us into life abundant!
God created us to be in relationship with God. Gathering as a community for worship, centers ourselves around God and how God is calling this community to be in the world.
We want to create a safe place to hear what is often a dangerous message: God’s reckless, never-ending, all-consuming love for each and every person.
Through music, teachings, and creative responses, we create a gathering where you can experience God in a new way and leave ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey.
Connect Relationally
We were not meant to do life alone—we need each other. We believe in relational excellence. We celebrate vulnerability, welcome confrontation and long for encouragement.
Give Generously
We give because God first gave to us. Giving is rooted in the heart of God. We don't give because we have to, but because we want to. Learn more about giving here.
Grow Spiritually
There is no standing still in our faith. We are either growing or dying. Through worship, teaching, small groups, and prayer, we hope to keep our faith in God alive.
Reach Intentionally
Life in God is too great to keep a secret. Through word and deed, service and evangelism, we strive to be a community that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ in healthy ways.
Serve Regularly
Jesus did not come to rule, but to serve. We encourage everyone to look for two places to serve: one place in the church, and one in the community.